

  • Genore, Here's what my doctor told me. First off, watching what you eat and staying within your calories is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect to losing weight. She said that, once I got this under control (and logging everything on this site is the absolute BEST way to do this), then to add some weights and exercise. What is nice…
  • I saw on Biggest Loser last night that most of them consumed at least 10,000 calories every day before BL! I'd say that I would be around the 3,000 myself. I'm 5'6" and started MFP January 1st at 200. Today I'm around 188. Baby steps! I found that the 1200 was too restrictive and so I bumped my goal up to 1350 and I feel…
  • Totally agree! I can read and jog. Who cares?
  • I'm with the few positives. To each his/her own. Life is too short to be angry.