Tamigirl71 Member


  • Yes you can use me as a friend. I don't know how>..LOL. Never gets easier, it just gets more challenging. Don't be frustrated. I didn't see much results until week 4. I'm in 5, and it is HARD! I wish you had girls you can do with together. I am dieting as well, so I'm surprised I'm not whithering away, but I'm STRONG...and…
  • I am! I'm in recovery week after week four. Start the second month on Monday. This is the first time I've actually loved working out. Its crazy hard, but doing it with 5 other women. Keeping each other motivated. Or I'd just turn off the tv. First couple weeks I wasn't seeing much weight loss. I'm down 10 pounds today. My…
  • I just finished week four and into the cardio recovery. I LOVE IT, and this comes from someone who hates working out. I do this 5 to 6 times a week with a small group of women. It is so tough that I couldn't do it without support from my committed girlfriends. My weight loss this 4 weeks has been 6.5 pounds, but I see a…