

  • Congratulations! You took the first step and that can be one of the hardest parts about the upcoming journey! I know it was for me! Motivation can come in many different forms, but you are the only one who can find what clicks for you, but there are plenty of awesome people here who can definitely be a support for you! I…
  • Hi there! I just recently downloaded the C25K app, too. Last Sunday I gave it a shot. It kicked my butt. I can't wait to do it again! The heat around here is insane, once it cools back down a bit I'll be back to it. In the mean time I've been walking/running in place in my cool, air conditioned basement. Not quite the…
  • I had to just stop drinking it. I found other drinks I could enjoy, and after a while I stopped wanting it. I know, that sounds so much easier than it really was. It's been six months since I had my last soda. On July 4th, I decided I'd take a sip of a friends and almost gagged. It was the worst tasting concoction, ever.…
  • Hi! I've been a member for a while, too, but my usage has been extremely inconsistent. I'm back now for the long-haul. And excited about it, too. :)