Dlacenere Member


  • I always feel self induced pressure if I have more than my normal one day of rest per week but I know I shouldn't - my workouts are so much better and I feel so much stronger with my lifts after a rest day. My goal is to add another day.
  • I don't see where she says that activity is factored into this, is she including it or are you supposed to eat back a portion of your calories burned on top of this? My guess would be that yes you should because it mirrors a TDEE calculation in a way, but with the "200 calorie thyroid factor" built in. This seems like a…
  • Absolutely not pie in the sky - it sounds like what you are doing is perfect without knowing how long your cardio sessions are - but how heavy are you going on the weights? And as far as your diet, how high is your protein in relation to your other macros? Feel free to message me if you want in case I don't come back to…
  • What an absolutely amazing story and progress!!! I am jealous at how much you are benching!!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • As heavy as you can go on weights without sacrificing form (if you can do 10-12 reps without a problem, increase your weight and do 5-8) and make sure you are getting at least 1g of protein per lb of body weight. Lastly, make sure you are eating enough calories and are not taking too deep of a deficit - If you eat low…
  • Offer to bring a salad, side and /or dessert and eat what you bring, that's what I always do
  • I have both but really have stopped using my HRM and just have been using the fitbit because the fitbit matched up well for my cardio and an HRM way overestimates on weightlifting, so I just let fitbit do it all now
  • I would either lift the full 45 or do 35 minutes of Supersets and 10 mins of HIIT on the treadmill or some other type of quick cardio
  • I only looked at the last few days and you eat very low calorie (besides yesterday which still wasn't wasn't that high - just not the best nutritionally, but it happens) and you burn a lot of calories and you don't eat them back? My suggestion is to eat more and then you won't get so many cravings. Your body is asking for…
  • Not being rude - gave you creative points!!! Just being honest
  • Ok, I am just gonna say it - that sounds repulsive - but you get points for being creative
  • People who do circuit training (push ups, walking lunges, bosu abs, you get the idea) in the free weight area of the gym
  • Are you doing weights at the gym or just cardio? Are you eating back your exercise calories? 1200 is very low either way but especially if you are not eating back exercise calories - if you are just doing cardio, add some weights and try adding some calories. Your levels look good, so it could be that your metabolism is…
  • I love my fitbit one, and I am in sales so I drive a lot for hours at a time, and it does give me some steps during that time. I have the free app called drivebit on my phone and you just start it and stop it during your drive and it automatically updates both fitbit and MFP - it gives you credit for your calories burned…
  • I log all of my food the night before in the next day's diary ie: tonight I will put everything I plan to eat tomorrow in Wednesdays diary - then I just make any changes and cut and paste my meals over as I eat them and then delete everything out from Wednesday when I am done. Sounds confusing but I am a creature of habit…
  • I log all of my food the night before in the next day's diary ie: tonight I will put everything I plan to eat tomorrow in Wednesdays diary - then I just make any changes and cut and paste my meals over as I eat them and then delete everything out from Wednesday when I am done. Sounds confusing but I am a creature of habit…
  • I usually do 2 nights of bootcamp, which is a full strength superset circuit - we use power block dumbbells for chest press, squats, lunges and Deadlifts etc..plus bands, heavy ropes, stepper for pushups, kettlebells and sandbags etc.. There is some cardio in with that and core work as well I go to the gym usually 3 days…
  • A quick method to use is to use your weight x 12 to 13 to lose fat, your weight x 15-16 to maintain and your weight x 18-19 to gain.
  • A jar of almond butter, a box of mac & cheese and a box of some type of granola or trail mix with milk
  • I used to have a lot of problems with this as well - have you told us how many calories you are eating and what % of your macros are from good fats? When I upped my calories and included more good fats this problem disappeared for me - definitely get your thyroid checked as this can defintely cause it and so can a gluten…
  • Just blood tests as far as I am aware - 2 thyroid antibody tests that you need to have done in addition to your normal labs, thyroid peroxidase (TPOAb) and Thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb).
  • I drink about 2 cups per day without an issues at all
    in Coffee? Comment by Dlacenere May 2013
  • I am at 18.5% currently - what worked for me was lifting heavier weights, as heavy as I can go without compromising form, even if its less reps - eating more calories and increasing protein (macros are 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat on training days and 45% protein, 35% carbs and 25% fat on rest days). I also had to…
  • I do not personally log housework or the like as exercise, I know it can be intense but it's just part of my normal routine. I don't have a problem with those that do though.
  • You can get a lot of the same information on www.leangains.com without waiting for a book, this is the concept that a lot of people on a 16/8 diet follow. I have been experimenting with it for the last few days, not enough time to comment in depth just yet, but so far I like it.
  • If you are following MFP's recommendations, they set protein and fiber pretty low, you can custom change those. I eat way more protein and fiber than what MFP would have had also, I changed mine. But My suggestion is to eat larger quantities of the foods you are eating - less than 1200 is not nearly enough calories.
  • You seriously need a new doctor and I am not joking. I am 43 years old and have had Hashimoto's - where antibodies are attacking my thyroid and it only functions on medication - since I was 25. You are probably not losing weight because of this issue and the stress of how much you workout could potentially be making it…
  • How long were you eating 1200-1400? The longer you were, the longer it will take your body to adjust typically. Have you considered eating at full TDEE (full TDEE metabolism reset) for a period of time? I know it sounds scary, but it will kick your body into gear faster and then when you do your 20% cut, you will be set up…
  • Congratulations on fantastic progress!!!