JustLindaLou Member


  • Unless you are diabetic or have some other medical rason for watching sugat intake, ignore the sugar macros on MFP. Yes, you want to avoid added and processed sugars, the high fructose corn syrup, candy cookies cake, soda, etc. BUT fresh fruit is very good for you, full of fiber and vitamins and minerals and other…
  • Haha thanks Christy!!! Now I better get off here before that XXXXX rated chocolate dessert scrolls past my lustful eyes one more time....
  • Of course the newsfeed is down today, I lost 3lbs and no one can see how awesome I am :grumble:
  • AZ summer means green bananas or almost overripe by the time you get home from the store! I just discovered the joy of chunky monkey protein shakes, so I bought bananas, peeled, cut in chunks, and froze for shakes... (1 banana, 1TBS natural PB, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 cup almond milk, a few ice cubes, blend and…
  • I can really relate!!! Sometimes I go to parties and I "try to be good", then I get home later and stuff my face, regretting that I passed up the goodies at the party, feeling deprived..... Sometimes I go and find myself mindlessly munching the chips just because they are there/it's Day 28/I'm bored... Then later I really…
  • I have two swimsuits hanging in my workout area... does that answer your question?? :laugh:
  • BUTTER!!!!! Trying to use olive oil, avocado, natural PB as my "fats" of choice these days, but sometimes ya just gotta have butter. ~former margarine user~
  • I have only been to a strip club once, with my then-husband and some friends. It was completely spur of the moment, we had been to a hockey game and the arena was right near the strip club where our friends had been several times. I was kinda freaked out initially, I mean, I was raised in a very strict Baptist home and I…
  • I think a lot of people like me got where they are today because they just keep quitting... I feel so much better when I get my exercise in and make healthy eating choices - something empowering about a little sweat and chopping up veggies for a sir fry... (Not necessarily at the same time LOL)... But all too often the…
  • This was an awesome post, and all the replies have done so much for me!! I know when I reach my goal I will still have the stretch marks, and probably some saggy skin too... but hey I am also getting older and my amazing body produced an amazing child, and frankly it has put away some amazing food over the years, and…
  • At 18 and with only about 10 lbs to lose (you didn't say how tall you are), it sounds like you really just need to focus on the exercise rather than what you are eating right this moment. Walking/jogging is good, and I would also look at doing lunges - awesome for toning the problem areas you mentioned! You can find a lot…
  • :laugh: yeah that about sums it up! I have made excuses, I have stuffed my face countless times knowing full well exactly what I was doing and just having an IDGAF moment - moment after moment after moment.... I have blamed my parents, genetics, ex-husbands, and maryjane and margarita.... But I think even as a child I knew…
  • The school my kindergartner will be attending this year serves free breakfast and lunch for all students. I have looked at the menus, and I am not overly impressed. However, I also know she gets lots of fruits and veggies and whole grains at home, and since she is a very early riser she will have something to eat before…
  • I keep thinkin' I should give up coffee cuz of the calories and chemicals from my Coffeemate sweet italian cream addiction... BUT I have cut back or out so many other things (refined white flour carbs, ice cream, many processed "foods" etc), and trying to break binge cycles, etc - I have cut back to one large mug per day…
    in Coffee Comment by JustLindaLou June 2013
  • You should PM EdDavenport on here - he has an AMAZING story and he just went through bodylift surgery to have the excess skin removed - I'm sure he could give you some feedback. If your search for him in the forums you should be able to see his success story. Best of luck to you, congrats on your success to date!
  • I nuke a bag of Steamfresh Broccoli & Cauliflower, dump the whole works in a big bowl & toss with 1/2 c black beans, 2 T crumbled goat cheese or shredded parmesan, sea salt & pepper (or 9 million twists of the Italian Herb Grinder!!) and drizzle with 1T olive oil... nom nom nom
  • I joined to help support a friend and track my own journey... I have found new friends, a place to blog the stuff that goes thru my brain good bad or ugly, a wealth of information and mis-information... Do not get nekkid partying on the Lake on Mondays.... it's Pastor's day off and they like to go boating too...... :noway:…
  • eggs, hummus, string cheese, turkey hotdogs (for the kid), deli turkey, almond milk, 2 kinds of iced tea (unsweetened - Vanilla Chai and Black Cherry Berry), lettuce, celery, Greek yogurt that expired yesterday dang it, apples, 1 lonely lime, 1/2 can cat food, goat cheese, natural PB, coffee, sweet italian cream creamer,…
  • I experienced the other side 20 years ago when I followed a popular commercial diet plan and was slender for the first time in my life. Yes, amazing to wear whatever I wanted, shop wherever I wanted, be confident that I looked good. I got attention from men who did not give me the time of day before. (And mind you, this…
  • I have been :laugh: and :sick: reading this thread!!! I abhor mushrooms, sauerkraut, asparagus, brussel sprouts, lima beans, and organ meats.... The hatred of all these things goes back to childhood I'm sure... But the most vivid memories of how the hatred began was the night mom served asparagus covered in cheese sauce,…
  • Just started using the unsweetened almond/coconut milk to make my protein shakes... Strawberry or Chocolate/strawberry - yum. Salads with lots of arugula, baby spinach, a little turkey, crumbled goat cheese, and some dried cranberries, tossed with olive oil and a little balsamic.... and Triscuit Mini's thrown in for…
  • "It maybe healthy, but it have in too many chemicals that I cannot pronounce. Google the chemicals then reassess." Oh crud..... why do I always forget to read the ingredient list??? Thanks for that...
  • You can lose weight eating all kinds of crap, as long as you have calorie deficit. For instance, there are many popular (and pricey) diet programs that promote mostly prepackaged and highly processed - but portion-controlled - foods... Or you can eat as your co-worker is, existing on junk but perhaps at a calorie…
  • I just started using this for my protein shakes too! I figure if Bob Harper is pro-almond or coconut milk then it's probably ok :laugh: I like that it is lower in calories and sugars than even fat-free milk... I like the coco-nutty taste in my shakes. However, I cannot bring myself to just drink it straight or use it on…
  • Brushing your teeth can help... chew gum... Or something like popcorn - crunchy, salty, and a pretty big bowl is relatively low in calories (assuming you haven't doused it with butter)....
  • This has been an interesting thread to read, hearing what everyone else experiences... I KNOW I have used PMS as an "excuse" to really binge month after month. Yes, I DO get for real cravings - carbs carbs carbs - salty carbs, starchy carbs, chocolatey carbs. Just bring on the carbs. I will eat stuff I normally can resist,…
  • OMG THIS!!!!!!!! LOL!!!! SO true!!!!
  • I think the dress is gorgeous, a potato sack wishes it was this lovely! I agree with the previous comments, to either have a small nip taken in at the waist or adding a sash to define your waist a bit more. Believe me, on the big day you will appreciate having a little room to breathe rather than feeling like you have to…
  • You can look up the "nutritional" info on their website... Truly it's about deciding if it's what you really want to eat, does it fit into your overall plan, is it a treat/cheat day or meal, what else will you eat today/tomorrow, are you exercising, etc etc... Are they "good for you"? From an overall nutritional viewpoint,…
  • Excellent!!! Good for you!!! This is one of my favorite posts EVER!!! Keep on doing it, your hard work speaks for itself. Shazaam!