

  • I think the camera captures some quality that we miss in the mirror. I do not know how this is, but I know that it is. I have been thinking that I should have regular photos taken so that I can see myself as I truly am rather than as I am in the mirror. Maybe it is all about the juxtapostioning in photos that is laking in…
  • If he talks to and about you that way, how does he treat your sister? Your mother? The family pet? Maybe he is the one who should leave after your exams in June? Talk with your mother; be honest with her, but not cruel... Just honest. Not condemning... Just truthful and open. Not suggesting an action, just relating a true…
  • "I'm only 20 pounds overweight"... when I was 35 over "I'm only 50 pounds overweight".... when I was 75 over ... and even when I was 130+ over, I said it was "100 pounds extra".
  • I might be a bit annoyed at God. He did say, afterall, that no man knows the day or the hour. I'll be loggin my food intake a week from today as long as MY world doesn't end between now and then, because THE world will still be here, though I may die.