

  • My suggestion is that you add in lifting weights. If you lift weights you will build muscle and burn more fat even when you are not consciously trying to do so. I am taking a personal health class and the idea is that if you are doing 2 hrs and 30 minutes a week you are doing what you should to get to healthy - I think - I…
  • Hi TigerLily, I too just started on this site. A friend of mine suggested that I join a while ago (about a month ago)and since then I have lost a total of 10 pounds. I will be here to support you.
  • Hi - I am in the same boat with you and most definitely will not go the judgment route! Getting healthy is my goal and I do understand that this will take time and effort. I will support you with what you are doing. I will check in on you to encourage you on sometime soon. Keep moving!