trishdg10 Member


  • Interested in an accountability ptnr. Lost 41 lbs 3 yrs ago and have gained back 20. It ends now. What is your story?
  • I did the 17 day plan and I have to say that I did lose 12 pounds. Forget the activate phase. If you want to lose weight just stay on the initial phase. I switched over to MFP after 18 pounds and eventually lost 40. Sometimes you just need to see some quick results then go onto something more realistic. If you stay on a…
  • I have experienced the same thing. Lost 40 pounds maintained for almost 2 years then pound by pound. It started slowly, pound here, pound there, now I have regained 20 of the lost 40. I feel like I have relaxed my vigilance. Went on a cruise, that started it and then it seemed like the flood gates opened. Had several false…
  • What kinds of Fruits and veggies? Citrus, apples and berries are great Winter squash has lots of fiber along with sweet potates. I find that exercise is the biggest assist.
  • I hear you. I follow the old principle of "if it isn't in the house, you can't eat it. Go through your cabinets and fridge and throw out everything that is a temptation for you, crackers, cookies, candy, etc. Hard to do but effective.
  • What is 30 day shred and would it be appropriate for a 63 yr old woman in reasonable shape but with disc issues?
  • You have really changed your body... keep on truckin'
  • Beautiful Cape Cod, just as nice in the winter as the summer. Where is Bradford located? I have lots of family in the UK.