knystress Member


  • Thanks, it's good to hear concrete tips for reducing hunger. I'm trying my best to drink plenty and keep the foods healthy and high in protein, but I'm still struggling. It seems like it might be a wait it out sort of situation. Fingers crossed that the motivation continues to override the hunger!
  • Hi! I'd love to be your friend, too. Just go to the person's profile page and there's a button to add them as a friend. Good luck!
  • Hi Sharon, I'd love to be your friend!
  • In truth I'm not at a particularly unhealthy weight, I'm pretty fit and strong, just also carrying a lot of fat in my hips and thighs (and tummy and arms and wherever else fat is unappealing). I'm no stranger to watching what I eat so I ALWAYS check serving sizes and enter my food accordingly. I don't weigh things but I do…
  • Hi there! I'm new to it too, so I've been reading all the links people have posted about "getting started." Yes, they really do want you to eat back all those calories, but probably not in ice cream and beer (though that sounds like the best diet ever). There's a bunch of science-y mumbo jumbo here: (thanks to the person…
  • Wow, I've never had so much support so quickly. You guys are amazing! Thank you for taking the time to not only read what I wrote but for replying with thoughtful ideas. I had no idea ho good it would make me feel to hear someone validate how hard it can be and tell me it's okay. My boyfriend is a trainer, go figure, but…