ThriceBlessed Member


  • 2 pounds a week is a lot for someone your height and weight to lose, perhaps slow it down to 1.5 or even 1 pound per week, then you can eat more. Also, be sure to drink your water and get enough protein.
  • No, that is the wrong answer. I used to do this, its such a rotten idea. For example, if today I were to go 300 calories over my goal, I would still get a deficit of 450 calories because my goal gives me at least a 750 calorie deficit. What if I went over goal by 750? Well, so I wouldn't have a deficit but I wouldn't have…
  • I don't know anything about your health prior to this "training session" or about your general physical condition, but what you described does not sound normal at all. Especially feeling sick and dizzy... you really need to go see a doctor, if it turns out you just have sore muscles that will pass in a few days, but you…
  • Exactly, if you have the money, you can easily feed your dog the best, most organic, healthiest diet available... you can hire someone to walk him and make sure he gets all his exercise, you can send him to doggy daycare so he's properly socialized, enroll him in agility training to keep him active... and pay a handler to…
  • I've known 6 people who had different forms of weight loss surgery. Gastric bypass, lap band, gastric sleeve, etc.... of the 6 people I've personally known, 2 have died from from complications, and two often say they wish they'd never had the surgery, one lost all the weight and then regained more, and one is quite happy…
  • I haven't tried that, but I don't really bake much... In response to everyone saying they hate Stevia, it IS an acquired taste, I hated it too at first, and now use it in my coffee and don't notice the taste at all. If you cut ALL sugar out for 1-2 weeks, and only use Stevia to sweeten anything, at the end of the time you…
  • I'm glad some people do hire "cleaning ladies", if they didn't I'd be out of a job.
  • Really? Clearly you have no idea what its like to be a Stay-at-Home-HOMESCHOOLING-Mom. When my kids start "school" my job gets 10 times harder than it was before. Every fall I hear other parents saying things like, "Yay!! School is starting!! Finally!" And I am thinking... "Summer went by way too fast." And even for the…
  • Not a man, but a mostly Stay at Home Mom. I say mostly because I do work outside the home at my own business... 1 day a week most weeks, and then there is one week a month where I work 2 days. I homeschool my kids, so I am working as a teacher at home, not sitting around watching TV. I also am an artist, so I work at that…
  • I'm an artist... I will not likely ever get "job satisfaction" from anything else, but with galleries charging 50% commision I will not likely ever get enough money to even live on from being an artist. So, I'd take the boring job for lots of money, and be able to use the funds to save up for my own gallery someday in the…
  • I'm not against juicing, but if you struggle to eat a serving broccoli you are going to struggle to guzzle down a glass of green spinach juice too. Others all have great suggestions, eat the veggies, if you absolutely must drink them, try hiding them in a smoothie. You can put a lot of spinach in a smoothie before it…
  • Okay, makes sense... I guess I can't think too well before 8:00 AM!!! LOL OP If your doctor isn't telling you what dietary changes to make, ask him. If he still doesn't tell you, find a new doctor.
  • What does this have to do with "lbs in america"? Anyway, you really are going to have to keep working with a doctor, any advice you get on here is going to be based on opinions not medical facts.
  • There's a wagon? Here I've been doing it the "hard way" when all I had to do is hop on a wagon? Just kidding, seriously though, if you view it as a lifetime commitment to health you can't fall off the wagon, you just say to yourself you had a bad couple of weeks and you'll do better now. Watch your food intake, get plenty…
  • The most important thing is to log what you eat. You can take the meals you are already making and figure out the calorie counts by entering individual ingredients, then dividing the total recipe by the number of servings you make. Then as you see what ingredients add the most calories, you might choose to substitute…
  • True, I also signed up as a coach. I never push and I often recommend non BB products when I think they are appropriate. Such as Biggest Loser workouts, Sunwarrior protein, etc.
  • I like Shakeology, for me, it is worth the money. However, I do not use it every day, so when I buy a bag it lasts a long time. I use it when I won't be able to eat a healthy meal. For example, sometimes at work I don't actually get a lunch break where I can sit down and eat, so a shake makes a great meal on the go for…
  • When I matched your height and gender up with a BMI chart, it told me that a healthy weight was anywhere between 115-145 so who is telling you that you have to be at the lowest possible end of that range? The reason there is a range instead of just a standard number is because different body types need to be in different…
  • I think she lost too much in order to win. She could have anorexia, but I feel that it is more likely that she, being a competitive personality, simply decided to go to extremes to make sure she would win. I have checked several different height/weight charts that are based on different formulas for determining the healthy…
  • Just get out there and do it, who cares who sees? I can't imagine that anyone is going to think less of you because you run. I am doing C25K also, I am starting on a treadmill, but not because I don't want people to see me, its just because I have a bad ankle (not currently injured, just very prone to injury) and I can't…
  • A four pound loss in 3 weeks is 1 1/3 pounds a week. Considering the amount you are trying to lose and the fact that you refuse exercise, I think that's pretty good. Even if you hate most forms of exercise, couldn't you at least plan in a walk now and then? Its not really necessary to lose weight, but it will help your…
  • The only way it would make any difference at all would be if you are extremely out of shape and can't maintain a brisk pace for 45 minutes straight, if that is the case you'll slow down toward the end of the 45 minutes and therefore be burning fewer calories... however if you are able to maintain the same pace either way,…
  • No, I wouldn't feel comfortable. Right now I'm still overweight, even though I've made a lot of progress... but even if I was at my ideal weight and had had plastic surgery to lift anything that sagged, and tuck away anything that bulged out where it shouldn't... I still wouldn't feel comfortable doing it. However, as an…
  • I don't really worry about that too much, but I can tell if I want to. I can look at the graph that shows my calorie burn for the day, and isolate individual time frames, by moving little sliders to bracket off the time I spent jogging, I can tell how many calories I was burning per minute throughout the day or during any…
  • I base mine on results. In the past 30 weeks of using my bodymedia armband, my average weight loss almost spot on to what it "should be" based on my daily calorie deficit. I print out my statistical averages every 28 days, so I'm able to see what deficit I've averaged for the the previous 4 weeks. Over time (30 weeks) my…
  • Another thing to realize is that a lot of people overestimate their burns, and really are NOT burning 900 calories. Also there are people like me, I use a bodymedia armband, it automatically subtracts what I burn, but I set my NET calorie goal at 1200, so first thing in the morning, before I've done a thing, bodymedia…
  • First consult a doctor to find out if something is preventing weight gain. Then if he doesn't have an appetite you need to make calorie dense choices. Peanut butter is calorie dense, so is butter, almond butter, Nutella, etc. As for him not liking artificial sugar, if he is trying to gain why would he use artificial? Why…
  • Depends on your weight, the intensity of the workout, and the time involved. A workout that mixes cardio with strength may have periods where you really aren't burning much because you're focussing on strength right then rather than cardio. A workout that is solid cardio from start to finish will burn more, but then you…