nau05242 Member


  • I make my bf a card each year and he usually gives me a small gift. I'm not sure if he will this year since we have just bought flights to Sydney and are broke bu I've made him a heart shapped card anyway. I usually cook him a special meal and have planned a day trip for us on the Saturday to celebrate. there is nothing…
  • Maybe she is better than you, is that really such a big deal? Everything is relative after all. You're never going to be happy and confident if you continually bench mark yourself against other people. The sad thing is, this girl probably doesn’t think twice about you, maybe you could learn something from her and take your…
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have homemade oatbran pancakes (which I batch cook then freeze for convenience) toped with smoked salmon, reduced sugar & salt baked beans and poached egg respectively. On Tuesday and Thursday I have porridge oats with dried prunes, dried berry mix or fresh blueberries. Without fail I have…
  • I some times make salsa tuna pasta which is a tin of tuna mixed with some pre bought salsa and a handful of wholemeal pasta tubes. I like steamed salmon too which I have with cajun spice ontop and a side of veg + cous cous. Mainly I have cottage cheese for lunch because I LOVE it with crackers and salad...mmmmm Today I…
  • Thanks for your reply Llyrian, It's good to get some reassurance about my crazy tendency’s. I will not be grocery shopping on Friday afternoons in future!
  • living on sugar filled carbs is my idea of hell!! I guess for people who don't know or want to eat well then it might work to shed some weight but I doubt it's a healthy lifestyle choice. Try opting for more wholefoods and lean proteins to fill your tummy up with healthy goodness.
  • Hi I exercise 4-7 days a week and during lent last year I completed the 30DS. I think the challenge for me wasn’t the 30 mins workout alone, it was the build-up of muscle fatigue which came with doing it EVER day for 30 days straight. I also continued my regular exercise so was really exercising 1.5hours intensely 7days a…
  • Hi! I am also 5ft8 and I feel at my best when I weigh 65kg or less. I can be that weight and hold lean muscle but everyone is different so it is entirely up to you. E
  • Prawn bhuna and a chapati would be in the region of 500cals.
  • I am 5'7.7" and want to be 129-133lb. I am currently 144.6 and my heaviest was185.
  • Hey! I found that I got a thigh gap and flat stomach when I cut out all processed food. My Weigh was at 9st 3lb giving me a BMI of 20.2 (Im 5ft 7.7") My body fat was also measured via callipers to be <20%. My thigh gap went away when my body fat was above 22%. I didn’t target these areas via any particular exercise I just…
  • I am going to a romantic valentines concert on Saturday! on the actual day I have nothing planned yet but I'm sure we will do something romantic :)
  • I plan my work outs for the week but I don't prelog them, mainly because I have a HRM and use the cal burn from that instead of the MFP cal burn. However, I prelog food lots because having a plan makes me more likely to stick to it.
  • Calipers are more reliable but uk_ja is right - pick one and stick with it! Both sets of measurments are very dependant on the hydration of you muscle too so how much water you drank would effect both measurements. Are your ab muscles visable? If they are then it is likely that you are closer to the Body Fat % of 21. Most…
  • Well done! Be proud of your fitness achievements Exxx
  • I agree, I found level 2 harder than level 3 when I did it last year. Keep up the good work chick. Elaine
  • Snog! I like your tattoos :)
  • This is lovely! Well done, you must feel really great about it! Exxx