dsoprana Member


  • I Can't Live Without You - Commissioned
  • When I was younger, I overate to comfort myself. In hindsight, my family was unstable and my young mind perceived the instability. And then it just became a habit. And another habit I had was not being physically active. Since then, it has been a struggle to adopt new habits. I've lost weight successfully a couple times,…
  • I've lost weight twice. 40 lbs and 65 lbs consecutively. Kept it off for 2 years the last time and kinda feeling a little discouraged to have gained it back. I need friends and motivation. Add me!
  • If you burn 900 of the 1200 calories you're allowed, then you've only had 300 calories. At the end of the day, you're supposed to have retained 1200 calories so your body can adequately perform its normal bodily functions. So if you've burned 900 of your 1200, then you need to put that 900 back. That's a lot to be missing.…