aliciagudino Member


  • Cool. Just was letting people know if they don't want to wait around for their dvd to be shipped (sometimes it can take a week) they can check at their local store since it's around the same price as online.
  • You can get it at Walmart brand new for 10 bucks, usually on Amazon they are at least that, plus shipping. Go to Walmart, if you have one :)
  • I also have the Polar FT4 and I love it! It is my first one so far, I did get a New Balance N4 one but it was too complicated to set up and the lighting sucked. I got my Polar for $62 + free shipping on than Amazon and Ebay, and in stores! I was just mainly looking to see my calorie burn, so this…
  • Thanks for all your responses! I will make sure I find the right range my heart rate should be. My range is 145-165 as per my HRM, when I fast walk, like as fast as I can until I start to look weird, my heart rate will go to about 140, sometimes 142 or so. When I jog, it's impossible to stay at 165, I jog pretty slow as it…
  • Pretty sure she said she hadn't JOGGED for 20 years. Being active and jogging can be different things, ya know.
  • I feel ya. I've never owned a bathing suit in my life. I wish I could not care, and just "have fun" and not worry about what people think. But, I can't. You could always buy a one piece, and get some cute swim shorts (like the hawaiian print) and put them over it, that way you still can sort of look like you're ready to…
  • Oh, and, (I reolied to you on the comment ha), make sure yours has the calorie feature. Some HRM don't have that feature, just a thought! I didn't know anything about HRM's and figured they all had the same features, including calorie count, until I happen to read a rewiew on one.
  • Hello I am 5'9" and currently 201 lbs...I want to lose around 30 lbs as well! I just re started MFP today, feel free to add me! :)
  • good idea, thanks for responding!
  • I would like to lose 20 by end of summer, but am looking to lose a total of 30. But feel free to add me if you like :)
  • I am looking forward to the responses to this! I just bought the dvd last night, but I noticed a bunch of other dvd's of her new kickboxing one, or the Shed and Shred one...I debated on which one to get, but I've heard most about the 30 day shred so I bought it. Now the problem is, taking it out of the…
  • I'd definitely ask your vet. I think dogs will keep running, even if they are tired. I think they only stop when literally they feel way over exerted. My brother walked our dog, who is a daschund, for a really long time, and Chester walked and walked, until he got home, where he plopped on the floor and was panting so…
  • I LOVE tae bo! I like it because I am impatient when it comes to exercise, I can't do the yoga and pilates and stuff. Tae bo is fast paced and a lot of jumping around/kicking/punching. I do the basic one and even by the end of it, 20 min or so, I'm sweaty and feel like I did a good round. Depending on your exercise level,…
  • Hi there, I am socially awkward as well! I just signed up to this site last week, along with my mom, grandma, and aunt! I am 26 and want to lose about 25 lbs. I am a yo yo dieter, and I am really trying to get the hang of eating HEALTHY and sticking with it! I hope we can both meet our goals :)