

  • only at 108.5 from 109... though, when I look back at my sodium intake for the week, it was way too high - and i did kind of eat late last night, so that might explain it. next week will probably show the results.
  • Hey guys - I was on the last thread and completely overlooked the link to this one/forgot to check back at the thread until today. I've been drinking the 8(+!) glasses of water a day, and our first weigh-in is tomorrow... do you mind if you add me to the list with the next weigh-in? My weight as of last week was 109, and…
  • Me too! I just joined, but I think this is the perfect group for me. CW - 109 GW - 95/100 (95 is my absolute bottom goal when fluctuating 3-4 pounds) And Sep. 3 as a goal date sounds great - it's my birthday!
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