

  • I did the P90x a while back and it was very effective but you need quite a bit of equipment to do it and I understand Instanity does not require weights or bands or chin up bars. If I was gonna buy one to do at home it would be Insanity. If that helps. :)
  • I quit drinking for all of 2011 (not a drop no kidding!) on a bet and I lost 10 lbs without changing anything else. I wasn't even drinking every weekend. Weightloss aside I never imagined how great I would feel! Now if I have one bud light while I'm coon hunting with the boys I'm struggling to keep up! And I used to be one…
  • I have a 2 yr old German Shepard and I run/walk/bike with her all without a leash! :) I got her at 8wks and started walking her everyday for short walks we started with obediance on a leash. Make sure when you correct wrong behavior it is in a calm cool manner don't over correct. I started with a normal leash then went to…
  • I have always been one of the boys and it kinda sucked in high school because I hung out with all the boys and did the fun stuff but none of them seemed to notice I was a girl. (Hurt my feelings when I had a crush!) But honestly after that weird high school life phase (which is magnified I think in a small town because…
  • Yes I am! In fact I take it a step futher and have to be careful if I'm sharing a meal (like pizza or something) with people who eat more than I am supposed to because I unconciously try to keep up with them! It's funny if everybody's food is on their own plate I'm always the last one eating because I'm so slow but if…
  • Four years Navy! Fair winds and following seas! :)
    in Military? Comment by joeysims March 2012
  • Your welcome to look through my food diary I love yummy food but work to keep it health and focus on lean proteins and veggies. Might give you some good idea's! :)
  • How did you finally find your doctor and how did you convince him to run the right tests? I have been watching my weight since 3rd grade and can't hardly loose weight to save my life. Also had my thyroid checked and came up healthy. But the last time I lost 15 lbs and felt my best I was eating around 800-1,000 calories a…
  • Rachelsreboot How did you finally get it diagnosed? If you don't mind me asking how do you control it? Since I was in third grade my folks started watching what I ate and how much I excersised because my mom could see that I was going to gain weight. Since I got old enough I have been controling it. I have often wondered…
  • Since third grade I have had to watch what I eat and be sure to be active so as not to gain weight. It has literally been a life long scenerio for me.
  • It's often hard for women to compliment other women because we tend to be so competetive with each other. Don't read too much into it and make sure you compliment their noticeable achievements too. The more positive your spreading around the more people will pick up on it and send it back your way! I enjoy compliments so…