

  • Couldn't find a single post of someone saying Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate! Dang it, looking for people to hunt with! Besides that, I play League of Legends, Borderlands 2, and Disgaea.
  • That seems like the best option, in my opinion. The rest are "continue to eat, go over, and learn." This one is "Work out so you can eat and stay under." You'll have to sweat a lot and eat something real healthy though.
  • Not the biggest Harry Potter fan, but I've read all the books and watched all the movies, count me in! I'd like to be Gryffindor, please!
  • In general, I prefer to outright buy a game than have a free to play business model. However, there are games that ahve had that business model and have done wonders with it, using LoL as an example. The line of when it's bad is when paying actual money becomes necessary, and that's hard to define sometimes, but as a rule…
  • http://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/ Spent an entire work day on this one.
  • I tend to not like answering this question, because most of the time people tend to ask just so they can gloat about how many different shows they've seen. There's a cool site, however, called MyAnimeList ( http://myanimelist.net/ ) that you can use to keep up to date with everything you've watched. And if you rate what…