

  • Hi, I'm pretty new too, but so far everyone seems really nice. I've been using myfitnesspal for about a month, and almost always stay below my calories. Like you, my exceptions came when I was away on vacation and had to get takeout. As I said, I stay below my calories, but sometimes my weight goes up instead of down. It…
  • Thank you everyone! This is my 3rd baby, so i was hoping my body wouldn't change THAT much from before the pregnancy, especially as my first two were twins. I guess I really just need to hang in there, and hope that I'll eventually fit back into my clothes. At least I have the reward of a baby! :happy: It's just difficult…
  • I have found that a cup of rice krispies cereal with 3/4 cup each of blueberries and skim milk is really, really filling. I don't know why it's so filling, but it's delicious!
  • Is it okay if I join too? I found this site (via the iPod app) 3 weeks ago, and I really need some like-minded friends.... my DH lives on unhealthy food and doesn't exercise, and still doesn't gain weight :( Also there's fudge in my fridge and I REALLY want some.
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