mremington4 Member


  • Thank you Jonathan..... I know there are a lot of us out there trying to do it one last time. I really believe I'm at that point. Yesterday was a bad day for me and I did fail but today I'm doing much better and I'm moving on. That is all I really can do at this point. I hope you keep fighting the fight this time too. Good…
  • Lost a total of 12 pounds so far and it will be 2 weeks on Monday. I'm very proud of a few things... ~ Cold turkey on soda and diet soda's ~ Cold turkey on Artificial Sugars ~ Dropped my carb intake ~ 2 tablespoons of milk a day ~ small amounts of juice and fruit I also have been keeping my calorie intake between 1200 and…
  • Look I don't want sympathy I just want people to talk to. If you don't like what I write then don't read it. I thought I was being positive and said I had a good week even with the temptations of going out to dinner. Thanks everyone for the positive support it is much appreciated. Michelle
  • Thanks Jen, I know that I can do this now. For what ever reason the time is right. My husband loves and supports me but is very frustrated because he has tried everything to help me. He has just given up over the 18 years we have been married. He will come around if I stick to it this time. Like I said I have started this…
  • Yesterday was one week. I lost 10 pounds. I'm so proud of myself. I have gone through withdrawals and sickness and over come it still on track and loosing. Today I wake up with a sore throat and stuffed up head but I will try and stay right on track. I'm going to do it this time. We went to town for a day of shopping and…
  • Hello everyone. I can't believe all of the wonderful words of encouragement I have found here. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! Today is the start of day 3 and I'm down 3.4 pounds so far. I understand that it is all water weight but like I said before I have been retaining a lot of water so it is a good thing. I really believe with…
  • Well made it through my first day. Stayed away from sugar and pop today. Kind of had a headache but feel pretty good. Didn't get all my water in but I'm not use to drinking that much water. Will try tonight to drink more. Also trying to eat every 3 hours so I don't bing. I lost 1.8 pounds and I know it is water weight but…
  • Kbains12.... working nights is really hard on the diet. Between 3 and 4 is really difficult for me. I think I eat to stay awake during the slow times. I hope we can help each other get it off. We would feel so much better and our job would be that much easier. Keep in touch.
  • Thanks for responding to me ! I think I'm going to try to do Ideal Protein again. I did well on it the first time. I lost 48 pounds in 7 weeks but then got off track when my parents came for a visit and could never get back on. I have about a months worth of food so I'm going to try that. I hope that will give me the jump…
  • You are so right. I need to pull up my big girl panties and just do it. I'm a nurse and know what I need to do but just don't because that is easier. I guess I avoid the issue but it is getting to the point I can't any more. Thank you for your suggestions. I will look into the HR monitor.