frankhenderson Member


  • I started OMAD this week. Now its day 7 and everything is great. Yesterday I was at a wedding and reception. That was really hard. Everyone was eating and drinking having a grand time. I ended up leaving early and glad I did. Social events are going to be the hardest part about eating this way. Another issue I had all week…
  • I posted one on there a couple years ago and it's still there to this day! So I would question the situation.
  • When I get done with my juice fast I'm going to juice two times a day and eat a paleo meal for dinner. I have been looking at a loot of options an I think this will be the easiest transition. Good luck and let us know what the choice was and how it worked out :)
  • Day 9. Jumped on the scale and.... Went up 1/2 pound *sigh*. No, it's not really that bad. I just imagine always loosing weight, not gaining it back. My weight fluctuates quite a bit so I'm kinda used to it. I started my day off with grapefruit, carrots, green apple, and ginger. I think it's my favorite drink!
  • I am also new to this forum. I started my juice journey 1/4 and have now completed day 8. I have to say that this is the best transition for me to go from junk food to more healthy eating. My best friend has completed 60 days and WOW! If you would like to read his blog about its I…