

  • That is great that you guys work full time. I take Lyrica and cymbalta now. I tried all the other meds and it didn't really help. If it was not for them I would not be up and around. I do not know what is worse some days, the fog or the pain? That is good to know about the swimming what your doctor said. I tried the…
    in Exercise Comment by MATremblay May 2012
  • I am from Carleton Place, Ontario Canada..:-)
    in Hello Comment by MATremblay May 2012
  • Just a curious question, does anyone here work full time? I use to until I got too sick with this Fibro and CFS. I only work 3 mornings a week right now, I am hoping to increase if the Dr. allows it.
    in Exercise Comment by MATremblay May 2012
  • The Dr keeps insisting I swim. I love to swim but I forget my limit, do too much, than it drains me and I am no good for the rest of the day and the next day. I cannot seem to find the balance.
    in Exercise Comment by MATremblay May 2012
  • For myself at the moment, I get out walking as much as I can. I did try water aerobics, I found that awesome, just need to get there more often. My goal is to run again.
  • I have problems with my feet also but I discovered wearing the toning sneakers (anything shoe with a rocker bottom) helps so much. Not sure if its good to run in them though.