

  • CW: 138 GW: 130 I am definitely a medium/athletic build with lots of muscle...its good to see other 5'3"-ers with similar goal weights! I always feel like I am on the higher end but its because I really am just built curvier and more muscular than my skinny minny friends!
  • I'm starting today! I have 21 todays before I leave for Australia and thought I would do 3 weeks of it. It's a great video, short and intense!
  • Hey I'd love to join! I leave for Australia a few days before Valentines day so this works perfect for me. Height - 5'3" SW - 140 CW - 137 GW - 130 I am on day 5 of phase 1 of South Beach Diet. After phase one, I plan on doing the 30 Day Shred along with Phase 2. I go to spinning classes a few times a week and enjoy yoga…