Did you get in touch with a nutritionist? Hope things are going well for you
Totally agree, this is a great site, but I would really like you to consult your doctor on the specifics of your diet :happy:
Considering the fact your doctor has made this suggestion, I would give his office a call and ask about a nutrition consult. There may be specific things that would be beneficial to adding or deleting from your diet in order to reach the weight goal AND address the concerns with your liver. I will be keeping you in prayer…
Just joined today because I used to eat right and was self motivated to keep on track...when I went to nursing school I was working 40 hrs a week and school 9 -12 hrs weekly as well as study time...junk food was quick and easy.Now 20 lbs and 5 years later, I am struggling to "restart" myself. So today I said, enough is…