FoxKelfonne Member


  • THREADCROMANCY! ...I guess I've taken to going by Shawn Kelfonne these days (Or at least that's what my con-badges say). Your generic fox-fur who wants to be able to cosplay in some sweet costumes for Otakon and such, but currently doesn't fit the body type for many of them.
  • I know it's been mentioned already, but I just want to put another vote out there for Warehouse 13. Started watching it on a whim and it's easily one of my favorite shows now.
  • My office is small enough that our bathroom only has one stall. Makes the decision easy. :D ...of course it also leads to those awkward moments where you walk into the bathroom, someone's already in the stall, and you just sort of wash your hands and slip out, hoping they didn't hear the door.
  • Ditto on the video games. Get myself lost in Minecraft for a few hours and I stop thinking about eating, and worry more about building a kickass airship.
  • You can never escape it. :O