

  • Me too! I make it through the week by knowing I will allow myself one treat meal during the weekend. I try to eat well the rest of that given day and exercise but I usually end up a little over that day.
  • I use Shaklee's Cinch protien shake mixed with water. It has 16 grams of protien and only 190 calories. I have it early morning and then have a mid morning snack like a banana or yogurt. Love it. I am definetly less hungry the days I have it.
  • I allow myself one day each week to go way over my calorie allowance. I need this. Otherwise I would be miserable. I keep myself composed all week by knowing that one weekend day I will eat some foods I love. I still try to control myself on that day so I still log it but I let go at one meal and just enjoy (think a…
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