matthewpaulbreuer Member


  • These lists are from a blog I'm trying to read more frequently called the Art of Manlines. Father's Day: Also check out the holiday gift guides:…
  • HealthyKt78, First off, I think a time delay in posting responses might be responsible for different people posting similar thoughts without having your follow-up responses to base their post off of. If one looks back at the time stamps during some of the conversation about 'parents', one can see that they are only a few…
  • You said "Be harsh if you wish. It's what's deserved." Maybe you are right about that. You have people on here reaching out to you to try and help, and all you do is push them away and tell them they are wrong for trying to help. I find it rude and offensive to people that you said "UGH!!! for the third time." I think you…
  • I was a bit confused by the numbers when I first started, but one must realize the general formula. To lose weight, one must have a calorie deficit. One's body burns a certain amount of calories per day to stay alive; one eats to provide the body with these calories. Losing weight requires one to burn more calories (via…
  • Your amazing transformation is inspiring. Thanks for the photo post.