

  • obnoxious drunks. I don't mind people who drink or people who get drunk. But if you become obnoxious I hate you.
  • I have a Pitbull Springer Spaniel named Raspberry. My soul mate. I love her because she is always happy to see me, never talks back, always willing to go for a run, hike or any kind of work. My most memorable moment was when my boyfriend went house boating for the weekend, it was 7:30 in the morning and a man tried to…
  • I don't know about you but I sweat my *kitten* of when I clean the tub/shower. If you are sweating and not because your house is too hot then I think its considered.
  • On whole garin toast with artichoke hearts, cukes, tomatoes shredded cheese and pesto. Best sandwich ever!
  • Ted Striker: Surely you must be joking. Dr. Rumack: I never joke. And don't call me Shirley Airplane. Too funny!
  • I am 5 foot and started at 132 my goal is 115. I currently am 123 and stuck there. I am supposed to eat 1200 cals a day. I eliminated all pops and juices. One of my main snacks is a hard boiled egg or carrots with homemade hummus.
  • I am 4' 11. I am at 126 pounds right now and want to get down to 110. My boyfriend likes a bit of curves and I wouldn't want to look like a stick figure. *remember ladies god wanted us to have boobs and a butt.