

  • I'm in! I'm 41 and had my 3rd child at 40. I'm now pre-diabetic and need to lose lose lose to get to a healthy weight. I need motivated buddies to help me get there, because I lose very slowly and need to keep up to get rid of anything! Please feel free to friend me!
  • I started this morning and it was HARD, which, coming from a previously athletic life, I would expect. Anyone who thinks this is easy is already in good shape to start with. When you get dizzy,I suggest that you just slow down for a minute - I noticed that if I stopped totally, I got a little dizzy, but if I kept moving a…
  • I have almost the exact same schedule as you and am looking for the same advice. My girls are still so small, ages 3 and 5, so there isn't the opportunity to just drop them off at something and use that time for myself. I found that, last spring, I was able to get up a little earlier and with some planning was able to…
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