

  • WOW redalee, That is fast. what is your excersise program. I want to do whatever your doing. Good for you!!
    in Hello Comment by nay0407 November 2007
  • Stay positive, The weight will come off. Just take one day at a time. If you are having trouble with your eating habils, don't change everything all at once. Just change one thing everyday. Don't forget to drink alot of water, it will flush bad toxins from your body. Also, do you like green tea? We drink lot's of it over…
    in Hello Comment by nay0407 November 2007
  • Hello Everyone, I have never joined one of these sites before. I have been a member for 3 days! Woo Hoo. :) Having said that, I like it already. I don't have alot of lb's to loose, 10 pounds to be exact, but the older I get, the harder it is. 1 day at a time I guess.
  • Every thing in moderation and don't get discouraged. Remember, Rome was not built in a day!