LainMac Member


  • The "weight loss" is only one of the measurements of success. Eating healthy. Exercising more. Become more fit. Not all of these will show up on the scale. 15 pounds loss is a big achievement ~ whether it took you a month or a year. Also, it is my personal opinion that it is best that you "sneak" the weight off, so your…
  • Chicken Broth (I make my own so it tastes pretty good) - put spices in like garlic and onion powder. Shredded vegetables like carrots, onions, and broccoli.
  • If you do brown rice, you'll add more fiber. Beans ~ I like most of them but like black beans the best. Beans also have a lots of fiber. If you add veggies (chopped fine), you can really get the beans and rice to look like a lot of food and be visually interesting. For me and my kids, I do beans and rice several ways.…
  • To my dearest fellow MFPers, You are all that and a bag of low fat chips/crisps. I appeciate every one of your responses. I will trying the all the non doctor stuff for about 10 days and if I don't see improvement, I'll put on my big girl panties and see the primary care doctor for a referral to a foot doc.
  • I get all the "nerd" jokes on Big Bang Theory. My teen sons are impressed by my knowledge of comic book lore. Star Trek (all of them watched 1st run). Just got around to Firefly. (What an awesome show.) Can you be a geek over 50 if you're the one who owns the basement?
  • One of my BIL (early 60s) is literally is dying from a lifetime of eating Micky D's and Burger King stuff. He was skinny in his 20s too.
  • There are people who feel better when they don’t eat gluten. There are people who are allergic to wheat. Then there are people like me, who have Celiac Disease . Celiac Disease is an auto auto-immune condition where your body considers the gluten protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, an invader that must be attacked.…
  • Gee, does he think with the weight that you are losing that you'll be losing your moral compass as well? I think a little bit of couple and lots of individual therapy (for him) is advisable. In not so many words he said "You'll only with me because you are fat and can't "do better" and once you are skinnier, you'll drop me…
  • My kids are all doing thermos a couple of times a week. Soup or rice/beans.
  • I am fair and blonde. 3/4 Polish and 1/4 French Canadian. (Perhaps from native american there.) I grew up in a very ethnic mostly hispanic neighborhood and I was the "exotic" with my long straight blonde hair, light blue eyes, and white skin. (Funny thing is my dad is olived skinned and got hispanic alot.) When I traved to…
  • Amen! There are so many people who seemingly can't wait to tear you down. Why should we pick on ourselves when these people are so willing, nay eager, to do this "work" for us. Also, I am at the age and size where any notice of beauty comes with "for your age" or "for your size" such as "You really don't have many wrinkles…
  • My very strong legs that still win against either of my teen sons in a game of "push" (where you try and push the person like they are one of those sled things used in football training.) Sort of reverse tug of war. What they don't get is that these legs have been moving 200 pounds for more than 20 years. Pushing their 140…
  • If you have the time to soak the chia seeds (good source of fiber and of Omega 3s) in the milk for an hour, the Chia seeds will make gel out of the milk.
  • I wasn't upset by my coworker's comment. At least he had noticed that I was and am a healthy eater. Unilke my evil boss M (same job) who once said to my request to work at home one day a week (something that she let all the guys who worked for do) "Wouldn't you be afraid that your refridgerator would distract you from…
  • I don't get the "pretty face" one but I do get the "when are you due". It is very funny when I tell them I am 50 years old so I hope NOT. (Talk about your mid-life crisis!!) But again it is the confusion about what "fat" people do. I carry most of my weight around my middle but move very well and often fast so they people…
  • Thin skin potatoes like Red Bliss or Maine, yes. Thick skin like Russet or Sweet, no. But I hate peeling so I can't claim it is all for healthy reasons.
  • Welcome Back!
  • I am sorry to hear that things like this are no better in the UK as they are here in the US. And I would agree that this teacher is being petty and mean to more children. Do make a fuss but in a logical and controlled manner.
  • I have hired both a lawyer (expensive but worth it) and several advocates (mostly worth it). If you can find someone you like and understands your child's issues, then I would say go for it.
  • Congrats on getting the "experts" to confirm what your mother's gut had already told you. You should be very proud. Mine almost 18 year old Aspergers son has his PDD-NOS given at 26 months morphed in to Aspergers at age 11. Be happy to share info if you'd like. Again, YAY YOU!
  • One of my favorite (not) ones was when we were being lectured years later by the school pyschologist because my husband and I had not attended a suggested "How to teach your child to write" session with the strong implication that we were failing our child. We asked her if she knew what we did for a living. She said,…
  • Hi Everyone, The group Super Special Moms is now find-able in if you search on the groups tabs. Some of you have already found it on your own. I am so psyched that we are getting together with people who "get us" ~ get what our kids go through and get how hard it is to do right by our children and still save something for…
  • Hi Folk, I haven't figure out a quick way to invite people all at once. And even though I am the creator and monitor of the group, even I can't find it through a search. So I am copying 1 name at at time sending individual invites. I got through page one and will do a page a day until I catch up. If someone would like to…
  • Durn it. I'll have to invite you all individually. Will do so later. Kid emergency now.
  • I started a Group Super Special Moms As a closed group, could be a bit more open about our issues and we would have to worry about trolls less. Please join.
  • Mom to 4 and IEP Warrior! (Seriously, I annoy the heck out of SPED people and usually get most of what my kids need) I have a nearly 18, bio, morphed from PDD-NOS to Aspegers High Schooler. Three sibs who we adopted 8 years ago. The two oldest have language processing issues and the youngest is ADHD. They are 15, 13, and…
  • I get RAW vitamins for women. They do say gluten free.
  • Actually the GF wizard didn't say the standard things I was expecting. The GF wizard of boston said no more oatmeal for a while. Not even GF oatmeal. (Wah!) (My guess to get the green light on oatmeal would be that my blood tests normalize and I won't be tested again until July) Get more calcium and B1 Check all…
  • The wizard said no more oatmeal for a while. Not even GF oatmeal. (Wah!) Get more calcium and B1 Check all ingestionable things like medicine s and lip balms for evil Gluten. And when purchasing processed foods the label must say GF and state that their gluten freeness is tested by an official testing place.