

  • Great Job Carlos, and thanks for all your support to the rest of us on MFP.
  • Heck that makes sense to me noone has every said it that way a boost for your metabolism. Everyone always says just because you should eat breakfast to keep from snacking or getting hungry before lunch. I am very rarely hungry i don't know why but I have to make myself eat, my husband says I eat like a bird and he has no…
    in Breakfast Comment by ira_wall July 2010
  • I have no idea why it is so important either I hate to eat breakfast. I have been making myself force down a bowl of cereal or something small since I started this new way of life, but I am not hungry in the morning.
    in Breakfast Comment by ira_wall July 2010
  • I agree, but I do use protein bars and mainly when I am working. Because alot to the time we are so busy answering calls that I won't get time to eat much less try to find a good meal. I used to run through a drive through and pickup a burger or sandwich so I could scarf it down while driving to the next call. When I…
  • I have not talked to a dietitian, I am trying to do this solo. I will toak to you more later right now my husband is waiting supper on me. Thanks btw
  • I would like to thank everyone for the responses, I am walking outside through my city and if nothing else getting to know some areas I didn't previously know very well. I am a police officer and I ride around alot lol, so I guess I am stopping to smell the roses instead of flying by them. Oh and yes TOM is here so I will…
  • OMG first time I have ever posted on here and great responses Thanks for all the advise and answers so far.
  • IDK if it is net or total, but I think I understand what you are asking 1200 calories is before exercise then its more after exercise. I made my diary public so you can look at it.