

  • You can get caffeine in pills, concentrated, and drink it with water, as an alternative. Green tea would be the best to drink. For energy - look for Animal Pak, drink it 1 every 2-3 days, will be enough for you to replenish all vitamines, minerals you need and get an energy boost
  • 500mg of caffeine a day will help you lose weight, its proven! Can try different amounts, but 500mg should be enough...
  • Although I would argue about the protein intake for bb, I normally try take more than 3g a kg during "drying out". I know people who go up to 4g/kg
  • Absolutely right with serious sport activity. The whole diet isn't for a long time, I use it for 1-2 months in a year, is enough for me to shred the excess body fat. But as I understand, Hannah is up for fast results, no?
  • BUT, you should reduce carbs gradually, not one day you eat 300g and another 0. Go down by 20-50g every 2-3 days. When you feel that you are low on energy during the diet, do 2 days of higher carbs, but eat them all in the morning and prefer slow carbs, like brown rice, oats etc.
  • Yes, you are right, you wan't get to exactly 0 carbs fat and sugar a day, but I manage to keep them under 10g every day. Choices are really limited, but you want to lose wait? :-) Eat fish (especially tuna, swordfish), prawns, other seafood. Nearly all seafood has a high protein content and nearly no carbs or fat. Turkey…
  • If you need supplement advice, write me a mail exactly what for, will help you
  • Eat 5-6 times a day, see that you eat approx 30g of protein with each meal, it will curb you metabolism
  • Generally, pay more attention to carb, fat, sugar, protein levels of your daily diet than calories. If you eat near 0 sugar, carb and fat per day, you can eat up to 3000 ccal per day and still loose weight
  • Fat - reduce to 0, nothing dangerous in not eating fat for one month. If you stick to this rules, you will 100% achieve your result in maybe even under 1 month
  • First of all it's way to much sugar you eat, try to reduce it to near 0. Sugar is connected with the insulin level in your blood and with carb/fat digestion. You should avoid even juices etc. Salt and soda - also bad things, both (especially salt) will bind water in your body (high glycogen level). Replace the diet soda…
  • Hannah, can you write how many carbs, fat, protein and sugar you eat per day?
  • Actually, I use it for about 2 weeks now, can recommend it, but only if you really work out hard. Then the whole energy from the pills will burn and your metabolism gets a boost.