yasminv1 Member


  • The big deal is I have to keep my fat % at a certain range in order to reduce my chance of breast cancer recurrence. I can't afford $60 a month to track my fat % at the local University so I am counting on estimating with lean body mass calculations not BMI or weight alone.
  • I agree they should definitely count when I get on a scale but not convinced implant weight should count when determining fat % or lean body mass % because my breast tissue was made up of fat before the mastectomy but the implants are not fat or muscle or tissue..they are just silicone sitting in me. I am intrigued to see…
  • Another point my friend Lisa made which made me really wonder about counting the weight of implants, do you count your clothes when you weigh yourself? Generally yes at a Doctor's office but most of us don't when weighing at home. No matter how much weight I gain or lose the weight of the implants will stay the same…
  • I will ask my Plastic Surgeon when I see him next week and report back what he says. I have been counting the implants into my weight since they day they put them in. A friend mentioned yesterday that they aren't natural tissue, they are not fat, they are not muscle and they are not bone so she was thinking they should not…
  • I am sad that this terrible disease gives us something in common. I am however super happy to have a new friend that understands where I am coming from and has also kicked cancer's butt!! Have you been put on a low fat diet? I am supposed to stay under 30 grams of fat a day. So far it has been no issue but it seems as…
  • I am in hoping to finally shed these last stubbon 10 pounds before June. Good Luck everyone.