fitterpat Member


  • Okay - I'm not on MFP very often......I'm making it my resolution to track more often - at least 4 times a but: the worst Christmas song I know is Dominick the Donkey.....but not the version you hear on the radio - the version my dad sings......he does the "HeeHaw" noise like a asthmatic donkey that's being…
  • Sorry, I've been a flake - working in the garden a lot lately! Starting Weight - 264.3lbs Week 1 Weight - 259.5 Week 2 Weight - 261.5 Week 3 Weight - 260.9 Week 4 Weight - 260.7 - down .2
  • Starting Weight - 264.3lbs Week 1 Weight - 259.5 Week 2 Weight - 261.5 Week 3 Weight - 260.9 - down .6...but at least it's down! My wife was away all week, so I haven't been as diligent with my eating as I should be....but she's back, and we're back to eating decent food again......can't be eating hot dogs and hamburgers…
  • argh!!! my bad...I forgot to send in my weigh-in...sorry about that.....I know I missed the deadline...but sadly, I'm up. Starting Weight - 264.3lbs Week 1 Weight - 259.5 Week 2 Weight - 261.5 I totally flaked on this one, and I'll make sure not to miss it for next week. I met the fitness challenge this week - amazing how…
  • SW: 264.3 CW: 259.5 Weight lost this week: 4.8lbs Looks like this challenge was the kick I needed to get going again!!!
  • My exercise for today was chasing (my dog down the street), some weightlifting (carrying my 71lb dog back home because he refused to walk) and I'm going to try for a 30min run this evening but man, I'm already "dog-gone" tired.......LOL I have signed up for a mini-marathon in just over a month and haven't started any…
  • Just checking in and getting this into my topics
  • If we can still join, I'd really like to. Starting Weight 286.2 Current Weight 264.3 (as of Friday) Goal Weight 250 My weight is kind of stalled and I'm hoping that this challenge can kick start me
  • I'm in - I already made that pledge. My biggest downfall for "fast food" is after my wife and her friends go swimming - they grab all of us a treat from McDonalds (after what I saw today, that'll be out.) I'm thinking I'm going to ask her to make some kind of granola bar thingys and we can surprise them afterwards. If we…
  • THe only thing that kind of got me thinking was the elevated blood sugar. I have the same thing and while I've been told it's not diabetes, it's a precursor - Insulin Resistance. It means my body processes sugar differently than normal. The only thing I can think is maybe switch up your diet a little. Maybe at this point,…
  • Congratulations!