

  • I believe what you have hit is what is normaly called a plateu, weight loss in the first few weeks of excercersiging and dieting show reather quickly but then just seem to come to a schreecing halt. this is due to your body getting used to the Routine the key is to keep your body in shock, vary your wourkouts as much as…
  • I started my Insanity round a few days before i found this web site and this forum but im only a week in and due to work I im a day behind so no sunday off for me this week, I tried P90X and i liked it but I go to the Gym every day after work and lift weights, so i dont need two muscle/ strength buidling work outs a day,I…
  • My 1st fit test results Switch kicks=30 Power jacks= 30 Power Knees= 36 Power Jumps=20 Globe Jumps=16 Suicide Jumps=18 Push up jacks=52 Low Plank Oblique= Lost count after 20+ My Legs felt like well cooked noodles after this :)