The first step is the hardest. If you have a friend that can walk with you and hold each other accountable for getting your walks, I think helps tremendously.
May I join in please could use extra motivation!!!
Oh please count me in!! I have been off for a while and in desperate need of some heavy duty motivators/ motivation!!!
Wow what a great idea!!! Thanks for post this FriscoChet!! I sure does help to know that I am not the only one that evening is "junk food buffet time" Those are sure the HARDEST HOURS FOR ME!
Well come I think you are going to like this site. Best of luck!!!
(thumbs up) to you!!! WTG
Awesome it all starts with small victorie!!!. Gread job on your wght loss!:smile:
AWESOME!!!!! You have every reason to be proud. Congrautaltion for all you school achivements. Love your Einsteein quotes too here is one that reminds me of what is more important " Don't make anyone a priority when you are just an option to them" You look great!!!
You should be so very PROUD of yourself, you look great!!!:smile:
Absolutely!!! Way to Go. We start crawling before walking:smile: right?
Oh I am so behind login in my workouts:' Tues 40 Min snow shoveling Wend one hour -snow shoveling Thur 30 min snow shoveling ( we i come home from work I could not get into my drive may thanks to the ploying crew..grrrrr) I hope this will be it for snow!!!!OMG! this monrning Thur 40 min eliptical
absolutely.. sounds like it can be done. Here we go then. How about all the shoveling this AM and then some in few minutes. Any takers on that..... ohhhhh it is just so bad now.
Amazing!!! WTG!!!:smile:
definetly Log on for me!
Way to go!!!!
Boy this is the worst for me and hope that there are people out there like me , My first wght loss is on my leg then breast.. The actual things that i don't want to loose any grrrr never ever on my tummy or my face wish it was......
Please count me in I was doing ok and now I am back to where Io started and I am sick of feeling this way.. my WGHT this morning 170.6
What an inspiration you are to me!! Often times it is quite hard to accept that the person in the mirror is really the person one is looking at. God bless and congratulations to you!!!:flowerforyou: :happy:
Amaizing!!!! Way to go.:smile: :smile:
Happiness is to me. Waking up every mornig and be alive and able to do the things that I did the day before!! I work in the medical field and it breaks my heart and makes me even more grateful for all that I CAN DO FOR MYSELF GOOD OR BAD!! It is tragic to wake up one mornig and not be able to even roll from one side to the…
Rhonda, so sorry that you are having such a terrible time but hope yo'll get some answers soon to your problem. Dr. do say that we know aour bodies best, so if you are having so much pain in your back may be you need to take it easy for a while and may be get an MRI to see if you are having some disk bulding problem or any…
You look great!!! Congrants to you...:smile:
That is amazing!! Way to go for you!!!!I wan tto tell you I also started almost at the same as you this year and I can tell you that my 5lbs has nothing on your 25 lbs!!! Be proud!!! BAnd glad that you are feeling this way!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
You did remember to get back up!!!!. That is a great thing so please don't get discouraged. If you call yourself that way imaggine what the rest of the world think of you. Don't let one wk or one day define who you are.... Start today and it will be well!!!!
AMAZING!!!!! Congratulatins...You are an inspiration to the world.
That was SUPER thank you!!!
You should be very proud of it. Great job!!!
very interesting. Thank you
May I please joy in also!! I do have a big event in May!! So that would be great!!! Here is my question how do I log inmy wght every Friday??? Do I just type the May day challenge! Take 2 and just post it??