Aurelious_ Member


  • Considering this thread is most consistent with my question, I'd like to add mine here (no disrespect to the OP. If it is I will fly away elsewhere.) I am a male, 346lbs and 6'0. The stats below are what I have done today. In MFP I have set no exercise program up and selected sedentary (this way I see the smallest amount…
  • I weight once or twice a week. Always on Thursday (it's the start of my work week) and sometimes on Sunday (the end of my work week.) Sunday tends to be a forgetting time sometime, so I could get along with once a week and be fine. Besides, if the average is 2lb/week then on Thursday I should be able to see that. Although…
  • I personally find cheat days to be fine. It definitely gives you something to look forward to as the days wind down. "If I can just eat this tuna sandwich for two more days I can have that fried chicken smothered in cheese on Monday!" (or whenever that day is.) I record these days in my log as well. By the end of the week…
  • I didn't know the meme had found its way here lol Skyrim had been fun. Since I moved I haven't found myself playing it though I should (was making a Shield + Illusion Mage).
  • Haha, Sarah McLachlan does indeed ruin my day. Also, Sweet, peaceful, passionate and thoughtful were my 4 words