ashleymmbent Member


  • Thank you all so much for your encouragement and words of wisdom! I really appreciate it. You have reminded me that I shouldn't stress or get disillusioned by the scales after only two weeks - this is a long road and it will work if I keep going! Thanks so much.
  • Thank you! I drink about 2 litres of water a day (approx 4 pints I think?), I have been weighing and measuring pretty much everything and get about 7 hours sleep a night, on average. I had thought I was pretty spot on for the past couple of weeks which is why I was so surprised to have gained. But, as previous poster…
  • I agree, a trainer (at least for the first little while) would be a very good idea. You can download training guides from the TM website, have a look to get a bit of an idea of what you should be able to do in order to participate safely and successfully. Saying that, you've got plenty of time and a great goal to aim for -…