cymraesynyde Member


  • I didn't mean to criticise or cause offence when I started this thread. I actually find it quite reassuring that there are many others like me. Before I looked at other people's diaries, saw their 30+ pound weight loss, I expected to see loads of salads, veggies etc. and far less processed foods. So it was a bit of a…
  • Vegetables and fruit don't taste bad. I've found as I've got older that even the vegetables I used to hate as a child because of their strong flavour have now become palatable. I grew up with my family owning a shop and sweets/candy were always available. Fruit was always viewed by me as a treat (not sure, but probably…
  • I always think that it's the vegetables in a main meal that fill you up. So if I have a roast dinner I calorie count the meat, heap the plate with veggies and add a little gravy. I don't measure the veg, but always include things like roast potatoes or parsnips to the calorie count. Maybe I should just cut out the veg and…