

  • I mentioned it in my post. Bodymedia.com but if you look on ebay they are cheaper.
  • Oh, and as for the sugar, cutting down is a great and really important. Sugar is harmful in tons of ways. You should never cut anything you really love completely out because all you do is want it more. I have a couple tricks. One I *kitten* what it is I really want and how bad the craving is. Do I just need something…
  • I would really encourage you to get an armband from bodymedia. You can often get them for good prices on ebay especially if you are willing to go slightly used. You will be able to create a much clearer game plan if you know for sure what you are burning. As an example I am 46, 5'3" and regardless of whether I am 149 and…
  • If you are an average woman you are probably burning about 1700 calories a day without a bit of exercise so you are not even eating enough calories to cover your bmr. Your body can not sustain that kind of deficit. It will lower your metabolism and you will lose muscle. I speak from lots of experience. The best thing you…