hellsbells417 Member


  • I'm usually the other way round! Fitbit gives me around 100-150 calories more than MFP does, until around an hour or so before midnight when the gaps starts to get smaller and finally at midnight they both say the saem. So I usually go with MFP so I know I'm not overeating.
  • EmRN - every loss is a good loss no matter how big or small!! Btw, i love the goals in your sig - the fact that you have predefined treats ready for when you hit your targets is great. I'm looking forward to seeing your new jewellery!! :-)
  • Hi all, well firstly I'm pleased to say I weighed in 155.0 today so 2.7lb off. Unfortunately it's because I'm still ill and eating almost nothing :-( So no challenge completed for me last week, and no exercise this week either unless my energy magically appears again (I'm worried it's glandular fever), but I will try and…
  • Ok, not a great start for me, as I already have two nights out in the diary this week! I'm also just getting over a virus, so have given up exercise until I'm totally better... Oh well, I'll concentrate on tracking my food instead this week!
  • Happy Monday peeps! Current weight - 157.6 Challenge goal - under 150, ie 149 point something! Good luck everyone. Looking forward to finding out this week's challenge, although I'm feeling under the weather, so might not get any exercise done this week :(
  • A cup is about a quarter of a litre. Ideally you should be drinking around a litre and a half a day, if that helps. :)
  • How many calories are you eating per day?
  • Ooh, I'm in! I've been looking for some motivation since I came off the diet wagon recently. I've also given up alcohol for Lent so this is perfect timing. Good luck everyone!