stephogden Member


  • Yes that sounds about right. I eat really healthy during the week and not much toilet activity, then on a weekend if I have a bag of crisps or something with even a little bit of fat or grease my metabolism kicks in!
  • do u reckon if you have cals left over every day then use more on a weekend than u should it will balance itself out? Iv had 2 bad weekends now but rly good weeks and iv lost! I think I might be onto something :P
  • Wether you are getting married, know someone who is or just needing to sort your weight out remember anything is possible when you put your mind to it! Sometimes our focus is so strong, nothing will stop us achieving what we desire. Sometimes we need to concentrate on surviving a week, a day or even an hour at a time. I…
  • Congrats to you too!! I get married July next year :) but stupidly already have my dress which was so tight when I bought it that I have to diet lol Maintaining is going to be a pain, I have good weeks and bad ones but if we stick to using MFP we should be able to do it :) This site is so useful, if you add up what your…
  • How long have you got before your big day??
  • Sorry couldn't help noticing your name, are you going to be a Mrs Griffiths too??? That's really coincidental if you are lol I totally agree a lot of being able to stick to dieting is mentally challenging, if the mind is willing then your body is able :) Losing 3lb a week is fantastic - keep it up, you can do it!!