

  • I took a nutrition for children class over the summer for my major and we learned how to hide veggies into other food since most kids don't like them. One thing we did and you can try is to add pureed sweet potatoes or other veggies to a whole wheat pancake mix or into smoothies. Also, try to drink V-8, even though when it…
  • One more thing... eliminate all sodas out of your diet even if it is diet. I have read somewhere that even though diet soda's have zero calories, they can still somehow cause you to gain weight and not lose.
  • Try going a couple weeks not counting calories and ignoring what the site has told you. I only joined today, so I don't know much about the site yet and it's accurateness but like the guy above me stated, everyone is different. Try eating several small meals only when you are hungry and make sure to stop eating once you…
  • Your diet look fine besides the amount of carbs and protein each day. Try to cut back on both and see what happens. I have heard that a lot of people lose weight just by becoming vegetarians. I love meat, but agree that cutting back may help with weight. You also said you do circuit training which is great. Make sure to…