

  • I lost my first pound! YAY!!! I know a pound is not much at all and i can gain it back very easy, but im so excited! I have to thank my co-worker for telling me about this website, i love it. Im so lucky to have found this group, u gals sound awesome! It's a great support group. Jennplus2 - Thanks so much for the tips! I…
  • Im in...starting weight 165. I joined this site on Monday. Logging my meals daily has helped me realize how lazy I am. I don't exercise at all and consume way toooooo many calories. No wonder i gained 20 pounds over this past year. Last summer i lost 15 pounds. I was so pround. I haven't been to the gym in one year, yup,…
  • My 1st day with myfitnesspal and I'm certainly up for the challenge. Let's do this!!! My current weight is 165 pounds and my goal is to lose 25 pounds.