bcurryAU Member


  • Thanks everyone! I really appreciate your support and help! I'll just keep on with my strength training and lose the scale
  • I love the taste of Shakeology and it definitely filled me up. However, the cost did get to be too much. I now use other store bought protein powders but haven't been able to find one that tastes as "chocolately" as the Vegan Chocolate Shakeology. If you can afford it, its worth the try.
  • Yes, I do weigh my food and make sure I'm inputting the right serving sizes. Since strength training, I went from a size 8 to a size 6 but no weight loss. I haven't weighed myself this past week (trying hard not to obsess over the scale) but have been measuring myself. I did lose 1in off my waist this past week but I…
  • Sounds like you're doing great! As long as you're losing and getting all the servings you need in, you should be fine. Cycling the carbs will definitely help pass those plateau's too. I will be keeping track of my calories just because I'm a numbers girl haha. I want to make sure I am not going too low on my low carb days…
  • Hi! I am starting on Monday and was worried about the calories too. After looking into it more, I realized that you don't need to count your calories throughout the day. If you follow the portions like the book says, you should be around 1200 calories on low carb days and 1500 on high carb days. I know it sounds really…