gabby840 Member


  • Augusta, Maine!
  • I have No More Trouble Zones and 30 Day Shred -- both are VERY effective if you go all-in (like most exercise routines). I personally LOVE 30 Day Shred but I CAN'T STAND Jillian Michaels as an instructor. Maybe it's her VOICE, maybe it's my annoyance that her presence in the video is spent almost entirely walking around…
  • Hey, everyone! Meranda, 27, from Augusta, Maine! I joined MFP a little over a year ago but after a heart-crushing tragedy followed by a series of unfortunate events I fell off the bandwagon and then rode the excuse train for about a year. I'm back now with a lot more determination (and not because of some New Year's…
    in Maine Comment by gabby840 January 2013
  • I have several friends doing the Tough Mountain and they are all trying to get me into it as well. I have never signed up for any kind of athletic feat but I have a 5k planned in June and the Beach to Beacon planned for July - those are my current goals. Are you doing it?? Meranda, by the way. 27, from Augusta. :)
    in Maine Comment by gabby840 January 2013
  • Hey, everyone! Meranda, 27, from Augusta, Maine! I joined MFP a little over a year ago but after a heart-crushing tragedy followed by a series of unfortunate events I fell off the bandwagon and then rode the excuse train for about a year. I'm back now with a lot more determination (and not because of some New Year's…
  • TOTALLY GAME. I'll mark my tracker on the first with how many pounds I'm at for my goal and hopefully by the end of it mark it again with at least 5 lbs down the tubes. :)
  • I'm from Central Maine and heading to Southern Maine for a rocking NYE party at an acquaintance's condo. There is basically going to be 20-30+ awesome people bringing in the new year under one roof and then we plan on camping indoors, sleeping bag style. Great way to meet new people and better to be safe than sorry!…
  • I hate shorts. I don't know when I came to that realization but over time I decided my legs still looked great in skirts but were embarrassing in shorts. They rode up when my thighs touch and that drove me crazy and made me self-conscious. I used to have a pair of 12/14 shorts that I got to wear for a brief period of time…
  • Thank you, everyone for the responses! I love how much support is found here at MFP. I've been reading about everything under the sun and it's interesting to see what broke the camel's back for others to change their life around. An additional question I have for anyone is what foods are best to eat (opinion, of course)…
  • Hello, Apazman! I really appreciate the advice and thanks for writing back! Some of the tips I am already doing but others were ones I didn't bother to think of. I won't make MFP my homepage but I did bookmark it for quick access and make a special widget for the app on my phone. My phone almost never leaves my side so I…
  • My long-term goal is 72 lbs so I'm just under the question but I thought I would contribute anyway and make this my first message board post. I joined yesterday so just looking to meet the new crew right now. I actually started my weight loss agenda about 10 lbs ago and feel like I'm on the right track but advice is always…