

  • It is definitely possible. I have lost 80 lbs. in 6 months. I know that sounds extreme to most but the diet that I am on worked for me. I have 30 more to go :smile: Continue to be dedicated - with whatever diet you choose.
  • Start Weight: 232 Current Weight: 154 Goal Weight: 120 Height: 5ft 3in Age: 38 Clothes Size: 10 Favourite Exercise: jogging/walking
  • Hello, I am also new to the site. Like you, I have a very busy life raising a teenager and working full time. I have recently lost close to 80 lbs. In July 2011, I had reached over 230 lbs. I was miserable, unhealthy, and very unhappy. Looking back, I now know what it takes to lose weight and keep it off. Please continue…
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