krissy0511 Member


  • That is awesome! I am very impressed with how many miles some of you went in a month!! Life got in my way but that is ok, I logged under 50 miles! I will do better next time! Congrats to everyone who finished the 100 mile goal!
  • I am not using them but have done them before and I do think they are accurate but I would mix it up, by walking on the treadmill maybe 2 days a week or even just getting outside to walk a mile or 2. Do whatever best fits your lifestyle!
  • I am planning on running 5 miles a day 5 days a week, with 2 rest days each week and if needed for shorter runs on those 2 days. My biggest struggle will be the weather, I do not own a treadmill so if it snowing or raining outside that will cause some problems! But I have ran in those conditions before and I will do it…
  • I am running the Rock n Roll half in St. Louis, I am ready! I really want to do a full some day when my children get a little older and I have more time to train. I have been following a plan that is just like the one you posted with short runs and slowly increasing my distance each week. So, any tips on running a full…
  • First 5k was 2 years ago and I finished that 35:30, my most recent one I finished in 26:45. The next one is November 17 and want to finish in under 26 minutes. My first half marathon was in April and finished that in 2:05:35 and I will be running my second here on Sunday and hope to finish in under that time!
  • I have been training for a half marathon and that is this Sunday. This is my second half and the most miles I have logged in one month is 85, so I hope I can get to 100 in November! I run 5 or 6 times a week and usually going between 2 to 4 miles per run. My plan for november is to run 5 miles 5 days a week and have 2 days…
  • I love to run! I have an app on my phone called "runmeter" it logs my miles for me and tells me every half mile how far I have gone and how fast I am going. And since I do not have a treadmill it has been an awesome app for me. I am very excited to try to log 100 miles in a month but hope the weather will not be too bad!
  • I love this, thanks for sharing!:smile: