

  • exactly! Being dizzy due to not eating is a very real feeling (I try to eat every 4-5 hours or else the room spins on me). Not to mention the painful cramps from my stomach saying "feed me"
  • YOU LOOK AWESOME!! Are you starting to feel better too?
  • My goal is the end of the year, I don't have a specific date set, just a time frame. It's enough of a goal that I won't slack off, but it's not specific enough to make feel like a failure if I don't reach it. Really I just want to reach the weight range, regardless of how long it takes.
  • I really love this post! This is the same mindset that I have, I may have setbacks, but everything will work out as long as I keep trying. I don't expect to drop the weight overnight, my goal is for the end of the year. Like you said, some days you're going to be bad, but as long as you're not bad ALL the time, it's not…
  • I apologize if I am repeating anyone, but I wanted to mention a very specific Oatmeal, Kroger's Active Lifestyle Instant Oatmeal http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/calories/kroger-active-lifestyle-instant-oatmeal-chai-apple-2387249 The Chai Apple is delicious and they have other flavors too. It's designed for losing weight…
  • Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of only standing still. ~ Chinese Proverb