

  • You can try a site that I like a lot it's eatingwell.com they have a ton of different recipes that utilize inexpensive easy to find ingredients and their delicious... they also include serving size and nutritional facts for all recipes which is nice if you look under the "menu" tab on their site they actually have a 28 day…
  • :sad: I ate over twice my calories today already and all I ate was a sub and a bowl of cereal. (I also drank some milk and 7-up!) This is my first day being a member and I was wondering if anyone had any good food/snack/ beverage choices that they can reccomend to me! If so I would really appreciate it! I have 2 kids and…
  • Hi! my name is Nicole! It's my first day here and I'm already over my calorie count by 1,300 and I've only eaten a sub and a bowl of cereal! I'm really discouraged because I've had trouble shedding this baby weight for over a year now and I have a wedding to go to in two weeks! I was just wondering what you were doing with…
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