Jane1848 Member


  • Hi! 25-yr-old vegan, 5'6" and 130 lbs. I'm not much of a runner-- I do intervals on the treadmill and bike because they're accessible, and I know it's important. I'm more happy weight training, though. :-)
  • I love hemp protein powder and pea protein powders. Like several people have already said, though, a lot of us get adequate protein without even trying, so I don't really need to push protein. I eat plenty of beans, lentils, grains. I'm sure that since you use MFP, though, you know where you are on your daily protein…
  • I'm often looking at my sugar intake too. In my diary today, I was over on my sugar as well, but all of it came from fruits and whole foods except for the 3g from a piece of chocolate. The chocolate, however, was one of the smallest contributors. I try to not worry about the total sugar, but rather the type of sugar and…
  • That's so difficult. I'm blessed to have a mom who raised me on ricemilk, tofu, and homemade granola. :-) My family isn't vegetarian, but they're conscientious when it comes to nutrition, food quality, and food sources. I'm also lucky in that my boyfriend (who is not a vegetarian or vegan) has taken to a 98% vegan…
  • It is hard when the people around you aren't supportive. But that's what we're here for: to support you! :-) So...good luck! You can always feel free to message me!
  • This sounds good. Have you tried freezing your baked version?
  • Vegan here! :happy: I've been vegan for about 6 years and I went vegetarian about five years before that. 10+ years for me total... and I'd never go back. I originally went vegetarian for ethical reasons. Eventually the same feelings led me to veganism. Once I stopped consuming all animal products, though, I was convinced…
  • I've made seitan by boiling it--it was more work than I thought it was worth. But I'm glad to see this baked recipe, and I think I'll give seitan-making another try now. From the photos, it looks like the texture of a Tofurky roast. My (non-vegan) boyfriend loves those. :smile:
  • I just posted in response to this question....but it didn't look like a reply...! Sorry. :heart:
  • No-- the transition was pretty easy for me for a few reasons. Although I had considered it for a while, I decided overnight to just stop eating all dairy, which was the last non-vegan element in my diet. One night, I ate pizza and ice cream and felt so sick afterward that I said, "Enough!" and just gave it up. A second…
  • Thanks! I think I'll get a weighted hoop now.
  • Lots of good tips. :-) I've been Vegan for 6 years, Vegetarian for 10+ years. It's just natural to me now. When someone asks me about becoming vegetarian, the first piece of advice that I give is to make sure you don't become a junk-food-vegetarian. So many new vegetarians load up on refined carbs and processed vegetarian…
  • I've been Vegan for 6 years, Vegetarian 10+ years. I'd never go back. :smile: I'm not an "evangelical vegan" (meaning, I won't preach "vegetarianism" at you). But, I'd love to share anything about my recipes and experience. I'm glad to see other vegetarians on the message boards! I live in rural Northeast PA and it's rare…
  • Hula hooping is a full-body involvement for a lot of people, I think! ;-) I can hula hoop for about half an hour before my knee starts to bother me, but only if I spin the hoop in one direction...lol. If I go the other direction, it hurts. I'm just starting to get back to the stationary bike, so it's still nice to hula…
  • I'm interested to know this also! I have been hula hooping a lot lately because I've been babying an injured knee. I had thought about getting a weighted hoop, but I didn't entirely believe the claims about calorie burn.